Joe’s View of it: Advent 2003

December 9, 2003

Joe’s View of it all

Rainbow Mennonite Church

Advent IV, 2003



Joe:Joy to the World, oh just

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Joy to the World! ​​ I am so excited


Pastor: ​​ I can see that, sir. Who are you?


Joe:Why, I’m Joseph​​ of Nazareth, a carpenter, I guess

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I use Joe mostly.


Pastor: ​​ Oh, that Joseph.​​ 



But right now I’m a dad and that matters​​ 

More to me than anything else.


Pastor: ​​ Uh, sir, Joe, the scriptures say you didn’t have much part here.


Joe:​​ Well, sir, if you’ve ever been present for a birth

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ You know it doesn’t matter what​​ has​​ been written

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I’m so excited right now.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Our baby has been born!!​​ This baby boy to Mary and​​ to​​ me.


(move down to lower steps)


 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Oh, I suppose you learned types have your theories but

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ To me it was for real. Have you ever been at a birth?


Pastor: ​​​​ Why yes, of course, but isn’t this different? ​​ Isn’t this…


Joe:​​ (ignoring the pastor)​​ I​​ actually​​ helped him be born.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ We were together the whole night

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ We were alone you know.​​ …not much of a place to be born, I guess

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ and​​ Mary was working so hard and she just wouldn’t give up.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ She was so beautiful.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And then, suddenly, he was coming out and then

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ He was crying and​​ I was​​ checking to see if he was OK.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ It was like nothing I ever experienced and yet it was like everything all rolled into one.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ It was like the world stopped

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And then the world suddenly warmed up. ​​ Like everything was clearer, better.

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Having a baby is amazing!!

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ At that moment, I felt like my heart was going to burst!

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I took him in my arms and held him

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ And I knew it

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I was a dad and there was no going back.​​ I was so happy!

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Mary was so beautiful and​​ she knew just what to do. Me,  ​​​​ I was just happy!

 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ So happy, I hugged him, I hugged her, why I even hugged the donkey!


Pastor: ​​ Well, OK, but what will you do? ​​ You know the scriptures say…


Joe:​​ Well, he’s my son​​ now, too. ​​ Call it adoption or whatever​​ it doesn’t matter. ​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I will be the dad.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I am going to work hard and make a home

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I will just do the best I can.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ God has these plans, I guess

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ But I still need to be the dad to this baby boy.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Right now, it doesn’t matter that we are poor,

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ That we really don’t even have a place to stay.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I’m just an unemployed carpenter….don’t even have a job​​ right now!

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ But, it will be alright, I know it will.


Pastor:​​ Well, Joe, God’s blessings to you, I guess


Joe:​​ Yes, that’s it…it’s​​ a blessing. ​​ It’s God’s blessing.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ Birth is God’s blessing. ​​ That’s how I feel.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ Oh, and I know what I’m going to call him.


Pastor: ​​​​ Why, yes, the scriptures foretold that. ​​ The Great Redeemer, mighty​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  counselor…..


Joe:​​ Oh, I know they say it’s Jesus Christ, the Son of God . ​​ But I’m going to​​ give​​ him​​ a​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​  ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​  name from me.​​  ​​​​ Something that is real to me.

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I’m going to call him J.C.​​ 

 ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ ​​ Joy to the World, sir


Pastor:​​ Yes, Joy to the World.


Congregation sings “Joy to the World.”

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