Lent 2013

March 9, 2013

Lenten Process

A description of the chancel piece constructed during Lent, 2013

Lent is a time to prepare for both a tragedy of​​ the​​ death of old ways and the joyful celebration of new beginnings.  ​​​​ It is a period in​​ the​​ Christian​​ spiritual calendar that brings us close to pain, agony and suffering. ​​ This period is one with which we are uncomfortable and often try to avoid. ​​ However, we need to touch those times as well and find a way to understand the processes that cause us and others pain. ​​ If we do not open ourselves to the process of crucifixion, how will we ever really experience the​​ full​​ joy of resurrection?


 ​​​​ Here are some questions that cause me to propose this process piece:


1.  ​​​​ What does it mean to construct our own personal place of crucifixion? ​​​​ Why do we participate in this?  ​​​​ Why did the crowds welcome Jesus, crown him as a hero and then turn on him? ​​ What do we see as a savior and then find it is not what we wanted after all? ​​ We are part of the crowds. ​​​​ How do we participate in the crucifixion?​​ 

2.  ​​​​ Who or what helps us​​ create our Golgothas today​​ ? ​​​​ What is the meaning of a place of crucifixion and what meaning is there in resurrection?

3. ​​ What are the pieces of our cross that we put into place?

4. ​​ What old ways were killed by the death of Christ? ​​ What new ways were opened?



There are three key parts to this process:


Building the Crucifixion:  ​​​​ Construction too place each week​​ of Lent​​ by​​ piecing​​ together the​​ parts of each section.​​ ​​ The process​​ began​​ with a bare stage with only a ladder​​ and the base that included the Verbs of Lent. ​​ This ladder also held the cloth that​​ would​​ eventually drape the piece; i.e., a​​ sign of ultimate destruction in clear view from the beginning.  ​​​​ 


False triumph: ​​ On Palm Sunday, the piece was draped very formally in gold and fronds. ​​ During the final choral number, a congregant came to the front and removed the bouquet of flowers from the center. ​​ Other congregants came forward and place a bowl, a pitcher and a towel. ​​ Finally, two congregants came from the side and draped one section a dark fabric and the service ended.


Celebration of the Resurrection of New Life: ​​ On Easter morning, the entire installation was draped in many colors and included strings of​​ chranes folded by the children of RMC. ​​ Easter has arrived. ​​ Resurrection has taken place. ​​ We can move forward with new life.


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