Life Cairns

May 19, 2014

Cairns of Life


And so the cairns of life

stretch out ahead;

Pieces of the past left​​ 

to​​ inform​​ the future

stretching as far as the eyes

of the soul can see.

Small moments of time​​ and

decisions made.

Dyes cast.

Large bundles of sins

and​​ mounds of love.

Mistakes made; goals attained.

All gifts of experience

stacked together​​ 

in a guide to travel on

​​ to the next cairn;

Always moving ahead.

Some are turned over and

scattered about; completely confused

Tumbled and jumbled

as in times of war and

times of reformation.

Slowly gathering back together

to​​ create new paths;

Options really

For the future to be informed

by the past.

Eyes of the soul

be not blind

and heed the​​ 

cairns​​ of​​ life.

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