God indicates She is Bankrupt

June 1, 2016

While not a poem, this is an essay that I want to share.  Hopefully, I will have a category set up for this soon:

God announced today that bankruptcy appears to be the only solution. ​​ It​​ seems​​ that the stock of blessings have been depleted so much that there is no longer sufficient supply. ​​ During an audit of the blessing liability accounts, it​​ seems​​ that most of​​ them​​ have already been claimed by​​ approximately​​ 1% of the human population leaving the rest without any hope of receiving any. ​​​​ God indicated that this was unexpected and very distressing.  ​​ ​​​​ “This is not what I had in mind for how to relate to humankind,”​​ she​​ was quoted as saying. ​​ “I honestly wanted people to work together and share. ​​ I guess you could say that I was too optimistic.”

Questioned about this turn of events, God seemed genuinely perplexed by this development since the blessings had been free of charge but it appears that by laying claim to them a select group has gotten a corner on the market and the blessing pipelines have been shut off.  ​​​​ “The idea of the blessing stockpile had been that there should be sufficient for all,” remarked St. Peter, “but by offering early tenders on them, the market has been completely turned upside down! ​​ Why would anyone want to stop up the blessing pipeline?”

It had​​ been noted recently that there were quite a number of claims​​ on the supply and so the 1% group felt that they would need​​ to​​ control the market. ​​ That way the supply could be managed and developed by them and the blessings would trickle down to the larger population.  ​​​​ One of them remarked today that once they had the market controlled, it just did not seem very urgent to open up the access so there would be some time yet before it would be granted. ​​ He indicated that if the blessing​​ fund​​ grew as they expected, then there would eventually be plenty to go around. ​​ “Folks are just going to have to patient,” he indicated.  ​​​​ Since he was not authorized to speak for the entire group, he asked not to be identified. ​​​​ In fact, it appears that the group has decided to remain unidentified leaving many to speculate as to who they might be. ​​ Several evangelists have hinted that they might be part of the group and there were​​ two or three​​ who were openly laying claim to membership although it could not be confirmed.

In the meantime, God has suggested that people might want to work together and find a way to redesign the process. ​​ God even suggested that she would be very happy to see people learn to develop their own blessings and to share them directly with each other and not to rely so much on her.  ​​​​ “There is no reason for blessings to be claimed by any group,” God noted, “so this group would not have a chance to control anything including my blessings if people found ways to cooperate.”

No doubt there will be more news soon as the 1% group learns of this new suggestion from God and her followers.


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