If the numbers don't add up or
if the formulas in the cells
do not include your specified address
due to the fact that you are
in a cell that will not fit into the final tally,
you are out and cannot be considered.
If the application cannot contain your vision
or your identification then you are
not included in the final tabulation
and you are out for this reconciliation.
If you cannot fit into the numeric framework
and insist on alphanumeric identification
then you will not count in this tabulation.
You are an abomination and
you cannot be in our constellation for
we understand only triangulation and we
do not accept transubstantiation of numbers so
you are out and cannot be considered.
It will work best for you to join the formulation!
Do not expect rejuvenation for we know
what’s best for our nation and for your salvation
and it is not your identification, inclination or tribal affiliation.
Your spot in the table will enable your relevance
only if you are no larger than the format allows.
Otherwise expect to be rounded to the nearest integer
in a five-four configuration for
adoration of our own abomination
is more our preference and
you are out and cannot be considered.
Be sure to hit Save before you Exit.
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