Godfrey and Hadley have a chat

July 19, 2016

This is one a series of chats between Godfrey and Hadley

A morning chat between Godfrey and Hadley

And​​ so it came about that one day Hadley stopped by Godfrey's​​ for coffee.​​ 

​​ "Good coffee" said Hadley.​​ 

​​ "Thank you. I’m glad you stopped by,"​​ Godfrey replied, "I've been thinking about the boy. ​​ He seems to

be doing well and I'm proud of​​ how he’s turned out and​​ the types of things he​​ teaches." ​​ 

"Yeah I guess" said Hadley, "not direct​​ and clear​​ enough for my taste but he's

​​ your son so I suppose​​ he​​ gets it honestly."

​​ "He has a great​​ group of friends and that makes me glad," mused Godfrey, "You

know, sometimes, I think he might be gay." ​​ 

"Whoa, well that​​ messes​​ things up for you, doesn't it,"​​ laughed Hadley.

​​ "Well, no, I don't think so,”​​ replied Godfrey, "he's doing and saying​​ 

what I hoped he would and I think he might actually go​​ through​​ with

the​​ Plan."  ​​​​ 

​​ "Let me tell you something, Godfrey, there is a right

and a wrong. ​​ You better remember that," said Hadley as he jumped

to his feet, "and put a stop to that stuff right now."​​ 

"But, I'm more​​ interested in him loving his neighbor and doing good to those that

persecute him,"​​ ​​ insisted Godfrey, "I was hoping that he would teach a new way

of living. ​​ That's what the Plan was all​​ about." ​​ 

"Godfrey, there is a right and a wrong and you better lay

down the law right now; a sin is a sin," ​​ yelled Hadley.​​ 

​​ "Hmmmm," Godfrey​​ mused,​​ "and here everyone thought I was​​ the one

​​ laying down the laws."


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